April 2008


April 23, 2008

They’re back–Hallelujah!

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Back to the Greenmarket!

April 18, 2008

It was beautifully sunny and *very* warm outside–not hot, but snake-on-a-rock warm. You can feel it heating you up from the inside out. There were many, many people at the greenmarket. Not just the foodie types like me–but people desperate to escape their metal boxes for a bit and have a walk-about somewhere full of […]

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You know a man truly loves you….

April 17, 2008

When he brings you freshly dug from his yard, roots-and-slugs-and-all dandelions….all the way into the city in a ziplock. Now that’s true love…*smile*

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Sign of Spring

April 9, 2008

This is one of my favorite signs of spring: a salad of freshly picked wild dandelions–mixed only with a chopped hard boiled egg, olive oil, garlic salt and freshly ground pepper. The dandelions are a bit peppery and bitter and the oil mixes with some of the egg yolk, cloaking the leaves in an almost […]

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Anise Toast

April 3, 2008

One of my mama’s all-time favorite treats (along with Fig Newtons and a Hot Fudge Sundae) is Stella Doro Anisette Toast. Not the most decadent or lavish treat in the world…but can be just the right thing–for breakfast or snack time. While I was growing up I didn’t understand her love of the toast—I really […]

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