Bake Even Cake Strips

February 13, 2008

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Now, no one has ever accused me of being shy…

But even if I were, I think I would be able to overcome my shyness to offer up a helpful tip or advice to a stranger. If I’m in the produce section, for example, and hear someone ask a clerk what is/where are the parsnips, and then see them proceed to pick out the largest ones on offer, I don’t hestitate to nicely let them know that they should choose small or medium ones, as the large ones have a large, tough core…something they will end up paying a lot for and then need to cut out and throw away.

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Filed Under: Tips


Devil Dog Cake

February 4, 2008

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Now even with my lame photography skills, that cake is pretty, no?

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Filed Under: Dessert, Recipe, Sweet


Potato-Bacon Tart

January 27, 2008

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Since I knew next-to-nothing about Dutch Cuisine, my neighbors graciously allowed me to borrow the one cookbook they have on the topic that is written in both Dutch and English: Dutch Cuisine by Helene Matze. As far as the recipes go….not too many of them were things I would be tempted to make. Lots of fish I’ve never heard of, recipes calling for scraps of meat after a slaughter…..but this one did look like something C and I would like….so it went into the ‘Make This Weekend!” rotation. I mean, bacon and onion and potatoes–fried up together!…it couldn’t be bad no matter how it turned out! And tasty it was……
Filed Under: Mains, Recipe, Savory, Sides


Kale with “Rookworst”

January 22, 2008

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My wonderful Dutch neighbors had me to dinner and served me this traditional Dutch dish. Basically mashed potatoes with kale, served with sliced sausage on the side…it really ends up being more than such a description would imply.

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Filed Under: Mains, Savory


My First Brioche!

January 16, 2008

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As you can see, Santa did not bring me a new digital camera this Christmas…*smile*

But I did get something fabulous—-Brioche molds! One large and four small ones….and are they beautiful!

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Filed Under: Bread/Pastry, Breakfast, Recipe, Sweet